Newlands Secondary School
Year 7 to Year 12
Students transitioning from Primary to Secondary school are welcomed into Year 7, which forms part of our Key Stage 3. Key Stage 3 refers to students who are in Year 7, 8 or 9 and are building on their prior knowledge from Key Stage 2 and in preparation for Key Stage 4/GCSE (Year 10 & 11).
Students in Key Stage 3 follow the National Curriculum for England and have a broad and balanced variety of subjects to further study. Our well-resourced facilities enable students to engage in and fully access the curriculum of each subject, including science labs, a swimming pool and art and music rooms.
Students in Key Stage 4 begin their IGCSE subjects and are fully supported by our experienced subject specialists, to enable each student to achieve their academic potential. Courses are studied throughout Year 10 and Year 11 and end with an external UK certified board exam from Pearson Edexcel. Please see our Key Stage 4 Options Booklet for more information on the courses offered.
Students entering our Sixth Form, which is scheduled to open in September 2024, will continue their chosen academic studies and be highly supported on their journey to higher education with careers advice and guidance.
Throughout the Secondary school, students are held to high account and are expected to fully engage in their learning, to maximize their potential. A Learning Skills Profile for each student is developed to ensure students excel not only academically, but as intrinsically motivated individuals who are socially responsible and always striving to do their best.